Thursday, June 05, 2014


Hi Everyone, if anyone reads.  The SWW is doing much better.  I have begun a new anti-depressant.  I'm only on day 1 so we'll see how this goes.  I did try it last week, but it made me really sleepy so the dr suggested I take it at night which I did last night and I feel good today so I'll see how this progresses.

We had the last meeting of our local moms club with me being  I am SO ready to be done.  I've been secretary for the past two years and the girl who is the treasurer has really changed in the time I have known her.  I knew her before the moms club.  She has become so bi.tchy and picky and quick to point out when someone doesn't do something exactly the way she would have.  I will gladly be happy to not see her anymore.  We just have the final board meeting and that's it.

My old MRI was compared to my new MRI (done annually) and no new plaques!!  Yeah!  The new med I started last year seems to be doing what it showed to do in the trials :-).  Added bonus is that this med is oral whereas the old one was injection.  Subcutaneous, but still annoying.  Although it could have been far worse and been intra-muscular which is much more painful.

My husband is a airplane engineer and the plant where he works make helicopters.  Most of the helicopters are for the government and I'm sure you're aware that the government is cutting back on military spending.  Do we wish for war so a new helicopter is ordered or planned?  That is just wrong on so many levels.  Anyway, there are 4 for years left of contracts with the government.  What happens then? Do they close the plant where he works?  Does he start looking for a new job at the other facilities now before the big rush after the plant closes?  Which BTW, are in terrible locations for someone with MS in that they are hot or only have 3 MS doctors in the area.  Also no children's hospitals for the SWW and her behavioral issues.  The one location that is not hot, is on the WEST coast and we live on the EAST coast so I would be leaving my support system and my best friends from high school and college.  My MIL will be moving with us and she is the MOST anxious person I know.  I don't know how I am going to stand that.  When she gets anxious about the slightest thing her sugar levels get off, she freaks out, sweats, etc.  She's diabetic.

On another note, my husband is still doing this promotion thing at work and we'll know in 2 weeks if he has progressed past this level.  If he gets this "company affiliation" it means he'll be considered an expert in his field w/in the company.  Sort of like getting tenure at a college, he would never be laid off.  BTW, that is the only reason I haven't been pushing to leave the company.  I have another company like I like a lot that does what he does and they are in Virginia outside Washington DC and MA which is much closer to Philadelphia than the WEST COAST.  Also areas that tend to be more liberal which I prefer.  The west coast company is in a liberal area I just am afraid we won't be able to afford it and I understand the traffic is very heavy.  Did I mention that I H-A-T-E driving?  I do it because I have to, but you can't torture me more than making me sit in a car for more than 2 hours.  Trains I don't mind since I can read a book.  I don't know why I get car sick reading in cars but not trains.  Kind of an odd thing.    

Anyway, that's all here.  The SWW is going to camp in the mornings and with a baby sitter in the afternoons and loving life.  She is doing great in her social skills classes.  Our dog is going down hill.   She has arthritis and can hardly do stairs and is becoming incontinent.  She is older 12 and that's advanced for a lab.      

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hurrah for the test results and good luck with the antidepressant. Having your brain chemistry back on track makes it easier to cope, although I know quite well that there are no magic pills. We do have some public transportation here on the West Coast--just limited to a few areas. And traffic is bad, but the drivers are more courteous and less inclined to honk than on the East coast. I know you will manage, no matter what the future holds. And I hope you continue to write about it--you are a very interesting writer!