Wednesday, May 20, 2015

My secret

I have a secret.  The Strong Willed Wonder is doing reading camp though the school district for 2 months this summer and it's a half day program (she doesn't know since she hates reading).  We have a little camp-free time  then she's doing social skills camp which I know she'll love and that is also half day.  I checked around for swim club prices and the one where I will know the most people is really pricey, but the one we used to go to has someone who I know from a mom play group in it, and her daughter goes to the same school so I figured at least I would know someone and maybe a potential play mate for the little one.

Before I realized that the SWW had the need to reading camp I had gleefully enrolled her in full day camp at the YMCA. I was SO looking forward to a part-time job, doing some volunteer work, or de-cluttering for our desire to move next summer.  Alas reading camp won because I know it is good for her.  So now I'll have the morning free until 12 each day.  You think that's a long time, but when you realize shopping mall stores don't open until 10, and wherever you do end up going you have to be back to pick the child up or wait for the bus around 11:45.  I does give me the chance to go grocery shopping, go to the YMCA to work-out in its air conditioned glory, and do some small de-cluttering and household things.

However, my child is not always a pleasure to be around.  On a side note, I'm reading 10 Days to a Less Distracted Child.  And on the cover it says Effective for all kinds of attention problems including ADHD and The Breakthrough Program that Gets Your Kids to Listen, Learn, Focus, and Behave.

She can be cranky and oppositional and take it all out on me if she doesn't get her way.  She wants to be kept busy all the time, and I can't have plunked in front of the TV or the Kindle because that is certainly not the way to help with her focus and attention issues.  This morning I asked her to brush her teeth and comb her hair which meant she had to turn off My Little Pony (we have no cable only  Netflix & OnDemand).  I don't remember her exact wording but she did not want to. I told me I felt sad when she was mean to me (what I read last night for day 2 and you know what it worked) and a few minutes later she got up to do what I asked her.

Ok, my secret, this is TOO MUCH togetherness during the summer.  I will be in ADHD Behavior dealing mode for long time periods.  It has nothing to to do with how much I love my child because I do.  She is fantastic in so many ways.  It just wears me down.  Or sometimes I get pissed and I think of all those hallmark tv shows that glorify motherhood, but notice none of those perfect shows I grew up watching had a child with ADHD, oppositional defiant disorder, ADD, or any of the other other things that are out there.  Or an adoptive mother who has MS, tendency for depression if I don't exercise and have alone time.  Looks like I'll be looking online for some crafty things to do at home with her when it's too hot for me to go to the pool.  She does love painting and doing things.  She loves to think, use her brain, and play games.  Difference is that I get tired after about an hour or two.  She's the energy machine so she just goes and goes.                  

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