Thursday, December 20, 2012

Are we having fun yet?

You know, before The Strong Willed Wonder, when I wanted so desperately to be a mommy.  I grew hate the holidays.  I had grown up LOVING them, but being childless depressed me.  My husband and I spent many holidays alone or I spent a gathering that had a lot of kids drinking my wine and wearing stylish clothing that showed off my skinny never been pregnant figure. 

So, we did adoption were scammed, did infertility, and returned to adoption.  When we returned to adoption we were chosen in 3 months.  After infertility (a FET that went wrong and did not mix w/my health condition) I had been really sick and took a medical leave of absence.  Since I was home, we already had the paperwork filled out and decided to submit to this new agency assuming it would take 9 or 10 months atleast.   

The first year being a mother was everything I dreamed it would be.  The second year it became more challenging, but when she learned to walk it when it got really difficult.  Around 2 1/2 or 3 we began to see the strong willed temperment emerge.  Early intervention was suggested.  She's mega smart, but only does what she wants to do (sigh).  It scares the heck out of me.  She has to learn that she has to do things that she probably will find dull or useless in life and school. 

Anyway, when she was 1 we took her to Mac.y's in Phi.ladelphia (we live in the suburbs) to see the light show since her adoption finalization was December 21st.  We've continued to do that every year since.  Today was the day we went, and she loved the train, she fell asleep on my husband during the whole light show.  She is either really energetic or goes to sleep in what she views as overwhelming situations.  For example she slept through her baptism. 

We went our to lunch at a restaurant the specializes in chocolate where my husband had to take her out of the restaurant for a couple of time-outs.  Now, this was not my idea of fun.  I found myself thinking when are the holidays going to fun with our daughter?  I seems like every elses time out goes well, but ours is filled with time-outs, she get's overwhelmed by too much noise or excitement, or tells us she wants to go home. So after sleeping on my husband through everything she was wired on the train ride home, and I all I could think was thank goodness the day is over. 

1 comment:

Becky said...

Well, even if it feels like you're alone in this situation, you are DEFINITELY not. Going out for us always ALWAYS turns into the kind of chase scenes you see in cartoons. I just keep reminding myself that it will not stay like this forever. Sometimes that works, sometimes it doesn't. I am trying to relish every second that she behaves because the temper tantrums and fits are back in full force like they were a few months ago, with an added bonus of total regression with potty training. Just about lost my mind over ANOTHER poop in the underpants this morning. And my grandpa is moving to hospice today. Crap. Maybe next Christmas will be better for everybody. Hang in there, girl.