Friday, April 18, 2014


My husband yelled at me for sharing his work crip crap with the outside world.  AKA  my parents.  So you see I was sharing with so many.  He says I tell people too much about our life.  Um, I'm a SAHM what do I have to talk about?  My life is dull dull dull.  No one wants to hear about a new dinner recipe or cleaning the kitchen floor.  Or an even better topic?  Your behaviorally challenged child.  Those are all good topics people want to hear about.

I bet you guys want to know about the amount of stress I'm feeling about where to move to since my husbands job ups and downs because I apparently I can't talk to anyone about it.  Not even my parents.  I talked about his depression with my MIL who I thought was a safe person and I was reamed out because she is insecure and it made her feel bad about raising son w/depression issues.

I know I need to find a good therapist, I'm just waiting for spring break to end so she's in pre-school.

1 comment:

raw said...

Just read over your last few posts. So, so sorry things are so tough. While we don't have an ADHD dx, we do have SPD and "aggressive behavior." And you're right - it's exhausting. Same thing with us - no behavioral stuff covered even though our health ins is fabulous. We chose UPMC for You as our secondary and so far, no problems. And a friend told me we can switch plans at any time, though I don't know if we will. We picked one that our ped takes as well. Wish we lived a little closer so we could get together and let the girls run wild while we talk (aka commiserate). Hang in there. Thinking of you.