Saturday, July 11, 2015

Summer! Whew!

Summer!  Reading camp for the little one, she likes it a lot.  When I asked, the teacher told me they were incorporating social skills like not yelling ;-)...using an inside voice and other things that we know are an issue.  She BTW goes to social skills class 1x a week an will be going to social skills camp for a week this summer in August.  She is doing A LOT better.

She moved up a level in her swim lessons.  She LOVES swimming!   We are working on our house.  We just had the front and back power washed and it looks great!  Next up, pointing the stones and bricks along with new walkways in the front and back yard.  AND getting mature trees trimmed a LOT.  I don't think I would ever buy a house with mature trees again.  Especially since the weather is just getting so funky and so MANY trees are coming down.  We have a mature ash in the front yard and it has been dropping large heavy  branches.  Ugh!  It's expensive too!

One by one, my acquaintances have joined the very pricey local swim club.  We went there yesterday as a guest and, yes, it was nice, but not three thousand dollars nice when the one I go to is an equal distance away and offers 2 pools and 10% off in their farmers market.  It was three hundred dollars not three thousand. Sigh...  Peer pressure.  I'm putting if off for as long as I can.

MIL is looking into having a bone marrow transplant which is which is why we're doing the home improvements.  She would like to have the work done at the university hospital by us (where I go) and that means we will have her staying here, we'll be moving at at earlier date than we planned, or that we'll need to by a house with an in-law suite.  AAARGH!  So many things are unknown.    

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