Monday, October 06, 2014

Still out here...

Not that many read, but I will update.  The SWW is doing GREAT in kindergarten!! Her teacher totally 'gets' her.  She is making eye contact, and not doing strange things to get the other kids attention.  Still struggling with the raise your hand to answer a question and get called on vs calling out an answer, but we SO PROUD!  She is choosing to wear PANTS!  It was a dress only household until a few weeks ago.

My husband is STILL doing this promotion thing with work.  His interview is this week, and then we just wait to see.  We'll know in November.  It will be so nice to know because so many things are up in the air because it's the deciding factor of staying with the company.  If we are going to stay with said company we hope the office my husband works in stays open but things have been slightly questionable.  This is where our life is and our families are .  So, if he was going to switch to one of the other plants so it would be more stable we have the oh so fantastic choice of going south where there is 1 MS clinic and w/1 MS neuro and his physician's assistant, 2 good school districts, humidity, and heat.  Positive, I can take Amtrak back home.  Only 9 hours by train :-).  Other option is the West Coast where there are fantastic schools and plenty of MS doctors.  Cost of living is high though.

Off to watch Gotham with my husband, more later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to see an update from you! And so glad she is doing well in kindergarten!!